Why I Write

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Photo by Miesha Moriniere on Pexels.com

When i think about why I write so many thoughts and reasons flood my mind, so here are a few.

I write because there are stories inside that need to be told, stories that need a voice, stories that need to be heard. When I don’t let them out they strain and push against the wall tries to keep them in.

Some days I write to feel joy or to take the pain from the inside and put it on the outside, to empty my mind and save room for something else.

I write in hopes that the stories I tell will make people laugh, cry, cheer, shout in anger or frustration, I hope they will fall madly in love or go mad with envy. When someone picks up my story, they can  be transported from their reality and live as someone else for awhile.

I write so when I tell others of my journey, they to can feel inspired to start their own.

2 responses to “Why I Write”

  1. Well said! These are all the reasons I write, too.
    I think the one overarching theme is that I want to give back. When I read a book that I get lost in, and think about the characters during the course of my day, I want to give someone the same sensation of getting lost in another world. It’s a joy every time I read a great book, and I want to give other people the same.


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